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VVREO provides access to resources for regional business creation, attraction, retention and expansion.


VVREO is a regional collaborative resource building sustainable economic prosperity.



Values Statement: We are a professional, respected and resourceful economic development organization, and we value collaboration, sustainability and innovative solutions.

Professional – We are committed to the principles of truth and honesty, and we will be equitable and ethical, approaching all situations with integrity.

Respected – We embrace the highest standards of excellence. We will be transparent and credible, ensuring the public’s trust.

Resourceful – We are dedicated to the efficient and effective use of resources, and we are accountable for our actions to those we serve.

Collaborative – We believe that the greatest good is accomplished through partnerships and inclusive relationships and ideas. We embrace diversity and empower others to be engaged and committed.

Sustainability – We believe that all work must focus on long term viability, embracing the stewardship of our resources and continuous improvement.

Innovative – We believe that being open to new, creative and entrepreneurial ideas and technology solutions strengthens our work. Our success will be achieved through foresight and the ability to be progressive in our endeavors and decision making.


The following reflect the priorities and position of Verde Valley Regional Economic Organization in its work.

Regional Economic Wealth Development

Planning promotes a broad spectrum of business and employment that serves diverse community needs and encourages personal growth and wealth development of residents as part of a healthy regional economy.

Local, state and tribal leaders work together to strengthen local and regional opportunities for business growth and diverse economic development. Planning encourages regional economic cooperation to be more effective in a climate of increasing global competition.

Sustainable economic development and vitality are an integral goal of local planning activities.


Planning recognizes that clean water and clean air are essential elements of public health and quality of life for Verde Valley residents, visitors, and future generations. These vital resources are preserved and protected, and future land use and infrastructure planning will incorporate this recognition.

Natural open land and native wildlife have intrinsic value and are critical to maintaining the character, identity, and health of the Verde Valley for residents, visitors, and future generations and will be accommodated in all planning decisions.

Effective stewardship of natural areas is essential to preserve and protect their intrinsic character and beauty and are integrated in all future plans.

Sense of Place

Local plans are based on a “vision” of each community’s future that incorporates citizens’ input and reflects the community’s desires within a regional context.

Strengthening and preserving each community’s culture, history, and vitality are important to residents and the attraction of future residents and are important considerations.

The public and private sector partners to preserve and/or conserve special places and provide reasonable access to them.

Communities of diverse character and heritage define our region; and future regional and local plans and investments conserve, value, and respect each local community’s “sense of place” and promote distinct community identities and unique contributions to the region.

Access to undeveloped, public, natural areas is critical to maintaining the character and identity of the Verde Valley and its many differing geographic areas and is included in all future development plans.

The myriad of consequences, both short-term and long-term, some unintended, resulting from zoning and density decisions must be thoroughly and carefully evaluated as a part of the local planning review process for such decisions.

Quality of Life

Planning and development ensures the availability of a range of choices in housing, employment, education, recreation, healthcare, and other essential services. Safe, secure circumstances to enjoy these opportunities are a fundamental requirement of all future planning.

Future local planning addresses and incorporates the need for school sites and facilities in conjunction with other development activity.

Long-range needs for adequate essential infrastructure such as water, waste and waste water management, power, communications, and transportation systems as well as safety and public facilities are an essential objective of all future plans.

Local planning efforts encourage public and private organizations, working cooperatively, to efficiently and effectively develop and use community infrastructure and to develop methodologies that provide for the cost of this essential infrastructure to be borne equitably by all beneficiaries.

Fostering sustainable economic growth and prosperity in the Verde Valley communities. 

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